I was talking with a friend who is also a photographer. We were both comparing notes on taking portraits of our own children. I think, for myself, taking portraits of my two boys has got to be the most frustrating aspect of this business. I know what I want the final result to be, and I know what to do to get that result. Somehow, though, I always manage to forget that my children can not read my mind. They also can not seem to follow simple directions either (like stand RIGHT there, turn your face toward me, tilt it toward your brother, and SMILE). So, when I actually capture an image I love of them, it seems like a miracle. It also means that I have probably over 100 images that are not quite what I had in mind.
What do I do with those 100+ images that were not quite "perfect?" I've been asked that before. I've also been asked if my walls are covered with big prints of the kids. I would love to say, that YES I have tons and tons of big prints of the boys, but that is not the case. I do have quite a few, but I don't manage to print out all the best. What I like the most, is a collection of all the "not so perfect" images. Sometimes I print them in 5x7 and 8x10 for a wall collection, and sometimes I create a coffee table book, and sometimes I make up a session album from them. It just depends on how I feel. I do have some I have saved for printing large when I have more wall space to put them.
So, if you ever wonder what to do with all the images you liked from the session, but know that you can't get 20 BIG prints, well just ask me. I'll be happy to show you some other options. As long as you don't mind seeing lots of images of my boys being, well, themselves.