I have just about gotten all the Holiday Cards ready for putting on the online gallery so all of my awesome clients can look at them and decide which one they would like for themselves!
Some info on these, they are all sized for 5x7, but some can be resized to another size if you so wish. Colors and text are somewhat customizable. Last, but certainly not least, I have an "exclusivity clause" from my studio. This means, when you choose the template then it is yours. However, there are other studios in our area and they might have bought similar templates. I don't think they did, but I can not guarantee that. Any photo from your gallery can be used in any card, but the orientation must match (horizontal to horizontal and vertical to vertical).
I will be sending out an email to all the clients for this fall and all the clients who have qualified for the free 5x7 file for a Holiday Card with the access code to the card gallery!
Watch for samples on this blog soon as well!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I know this family has been patiently waiting

Their really sweet little boy and handsome big boy were awesome! I loved getting to know them and see their rooms. This photo is actually just a little too blurry for a large print, but I just had to show off how much fun they are. They were laughing and giggling through so much of the session, and it totally warmed my heart to see how close they are.

I love little baby feet, the cute little toes, and this little foot has to be one of the cutest I've seen since my own little boys' feet.

I was so happy the parents did what I asked without comment, and let me take a photo of their feet on the bed. I loved how this turned out, and how you can see the little one drinking his milk and watching the Wiggles. Well, okay, you can't see the Wiggles, but I know that is what he was watching. :)

What sweet boys they are! Poor little guy here had just had a slight fright (his balloon had popped).
I'm working on the rest of this session, and I hope to have it done by the end of the week. This session was less about the posed photos, and more about interactions. Wonderful, loving, family interactions. I love seeing families who are so in love with each other. Thanks for allowing me to capture that love!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Surrounded by Quiet Courage
Have you seen it? It's everywhere. I hope you find it as noble and inspiring as I do. What is it? It's the quiet courage that surrounds us at this time of year. Where can you see it?
* It is found in the young girl going into middle school for the first time. She hopes she will fit in, be liked by the other kids, maybe even be popular. She hopes, but she doesn't know. She is genuinely anxious. But still she goes. Quiet courage.
* It is found in the high school and college graduates who must look for a job. They took the summer off but now it's time to put together a résumé and start interviewing for a job. They are simultaneously hopeful and frightened. But still they go. Quiet courage.
* It is found in teenage boys going into their first year of high school. They've heard all the urban legends about what the upper classmen make the freshman boys do. They don't know how to separate truth from fiction. And, while trying not to show it, they are scared. But still they go. Quiet courage.
* It is found in parents taking a child to college for the first time. They arrive at school, unload the car, set up the room, and hook up the computer. They go shopping for sundry items, go out to dinner, and keep making small talk. Finally, when they can stall no longer, the moment comes when dad says, "Sweetheart, it's time for us to go." After tight hugs and long kisses they go separate ways. The parents get in the car and are sad. The child is sad too. But, as he or she walks into the dorm room, that sadness is instantly joined by self-doubt, loneliness, and anxiety. But still they go. Quiet courage.
* It is found in young children going to their first day of school. For years they have repeatedly been told by mom and dad, "Don't speak to strangers and never get in a vehicle with them!" Now they find themselves getting on a bus with a stranger while mom and dad stand there smiling, crying, waving, and taking pictures!
There is so much the child secretly wonders about: What do I do when I get off the bus? How will I know where to go? And, at the end of the day, how do I know what bus to get on? How will I know when I get to our neighborhood? How do I know where our house is? Will mom or dad be there to meet me? There is so much they don't know. But still they go. Quiet courage.
I hope you have had a great summer. But now as we head towards Labor Day, guess what? It's time to go. It's time to dust off your dreams. It's time to set some clear, measurable weekly goals for your business. It's time to do those things you don't enjoy that are the necessary precursors of success (i.e. getting appointments, setting up meetings, motivating those on your team, reconnecting with customers, etc.) In short, it's time to go to work.
Not motivated? Wish you could blow off doing what's necessary? Tempted to coast into the Fall? Finding it more attractive to quit your business rather than crank it up? Wishing that massive success could come with minimal effort? Longing to avoid the inevitable hassles encountered on the road to uncommon success? Are you feeling some entrepreneurial loneliness, anxiety, or doubt? Welcome to the club. Look around you. You are surrounded by heroic, wonderful, quiet courage. Millions of people are experiencing the same things as you. But still they go. It's your turn to join them.
Committed to your quiet courage and unmistakable success.
Tom Barrett, Ph.D
I got this from a friend today (she's a wonderful photographer in the Myrtle Beach area). I know of many people around us that have courage, loads of courage. One of my little clients went to Kindergarten this fall, even though he wasn't sure he would like it. Wasn't sure he wanted to go to that big school. He went. He does love it now.
I have other clients that I took their Senior portraits last year, their parents are taking them to college this year. That's courage. I can not even imagine at this point.
Today, I took my youngest to his first day of "school" and he happily trotted in. But he looked a little apprehensive until he spotted me this afternoon. Courage in staying calm and looking for Mom (he knew I would be there as I've not failed him yet). Yes, there was courage on my part for actually leaving him and trusting those teachers. It's tough to let go.
* It is found in the young girl going into middle school for the first time. She hopes she will fit in, be liked by the other kids, maybe even be popular. She hopes, but she doesn't know. She is genuinely anxious. But still she goes. Quiet courage.
* It is found in the high school and college graduates who must look for a job. They took the summer off but now it's time to put together a résumé and start interviewing for a job. They are simultaneously hopeful and frightened. But still they go. Quiet courage.
* It is found in teenage boys going into their first year of high school. They've heard all the urban legends about what the upper classmen make the freshman boys do. They don't know how to separate truth from fiction. And, while trying not to show it, they are scared. But still they go. Quiet courage.
* It is found in parents taking a child to college for the first time. They arrive at school, unload the car, set up the room, and hook up the computer. They go shopping for sundry items, go out to dinner, and keep making small talk. Finally, when they can stall no longer, the moment comes when dad says, "Sweetheart, it's time for us to go." After tight hugs and long kisses they go separate ways. The parents get in the car and are sad. The child is sad too. But, as he or she walks into the dorm room, that sadness is instantly joined by self-doubt, loneliness, and anxiety. But still they go. Quiet courage.
* It is found in young children going to their first day of school. For years they have repeatedly been told by mom and dad, "Don't speak to strangers and never get in a vehicle with them!" Now they find themselves getting on a bus with a stranger while mom and dad stand there smiling, crying, waving, and taking pictures!
There is so much the child secretly wonders about: What do I do when I get off the bus? How will I know where to go? And, at the end of the day, how do I know what bus to get on? How will I know when I get to our neighborhood? How do I know where our house is? Will mom or dad be there to meet me? There is so much they don't know. But still they go. Quiet courage.
I hope you have had a great summer. But now as we head towards Labor Day, guess what? It's time to go. It's time to dust off your dreams. It's time to set some clear, measurable weekly goals for your business. It's time to do those things you don't enjoy that are the necessary precursors of success (i.e. getting appointments, setting up meetings, motivating those on your team, reconnecting with customers, etc.) In short, it's time to go to work.
Not motivated? Wish you could blow off doing what's necessary? Tempted to coast into the Fall? Finding it more attractive to quit your business rather than crank it up? Wishing that massive success could come with minimal effort? Longing to avoid the inevitable hassles encountered on the road to uncommon success? Are you feeling some entrepreneurial loneliness, anxiety, or doubt? Welcome to the club. Look around you. You are surrounded by heroic, wonderful, quiet courage. Millions of people are experiencing the same things as you. But still they go. It's your turn to join them.
Committed to your quiet courage and unmistakable success.
Tom Barrett, Ph.D
I got this from a friend today (she's a wonderful photographer in the Myrtle Beach area). I know of many people around us that have courage, loads of courage. One of my little clients went to Kindergarten this fall, even though he wasn't sure he would like it. Wasn't sure he wanted to go to that big school. He went. He does love it now.
I have other clients that I took their Senior portraits last year, their parents are taking them to college this year. That's courage. I can not even imagine at this point.
Today, I took my youngest to his first day of "school" and he happily trotted in. But he looked a little apprehensive until he spotted me this afternoon. Courage in staying calm and looking for Mom (he knew I would be there as I've not failed him yet). Yes, there was courage on my part for actually leaving him and trusting those teachers. It's tough to let go.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
What a little trooper she was!

This little girl was not going to share many of her gorgeous smiles with me because it was hot. Hotter than hot actually as you all know it has been for awhile here. Plus, she's at the age where naps just aren't the most exciting thing anymore. As a result, by the time our sessions started she was not sure she wanted to smile for me. I got a few smiles, I got some giggles, and we played.

I think she liked this basket, and I was amazed to see that little bitty girl turn it upside down to sit on, climb in and out of it, and lay down in it. I'm very glad I brought it.

and then she was done!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Meet Tadpole!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I sent out my Holiday special, and I'm just about booked up! There are a few more days left on it, and a few (very few) session slots available so if you want to join in the fun, please let me know.
Details: Book a session with me by August 15th, spend $500 minimum portrait purchase and get 1 5x7 file (worth $150) for use in holiday cards. I will either create a photo card for you print, or give you the file to put in your own holiday card.
August is completely booked (unless you have a newborn).
September has a couple of slots available, and even some on the weekends!
October is just about completely booked.
November & December have no openings.
Since we will be traveling out of the country sometime this fall, my policy is that if you are scheduled before we leave I will shoot your session after we return (if it's not completed before we leave). I will not be taking on new sessions (except for baby planners) after we get home.
Details: Book a session with me by August 15th, spend $500 minimum portrait purchase and get 1 5x7 file (worth $150) for use in holiday cards. I will either create a photo card for you print, or give you the file to put in your own holiday card.
August is completely booked (unless you have a newborn).
September has a couple of slots available, and even some on the weekends!
October is just about completely booked.
November & December have no openings.
Since we will be traveling out of the country sometime this fall, my policy is that if you are scheduled before we leave I will shoot your session after we return (if it's not completed before we leave). I will not be taking on new sessions (except for baby planners) after we get home.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Something a little different from me

Typically I do sessions of families or little children, so I was thrilled when a graduating Senior of the class of 2008 gave me a call. I could apply things I had learned at the workshop, and I had a subject that would stay in one place long enough to play a little.

This High School Senior has really impressed me, and I will thank God if any of my children are as poised, caring, and lovely (and I'm not just talking about how beautiful she is, it's the personality she has that is truly breathtaking) as this young woman is.

I was not aware of what a golden opportunity I was handed. This beauty was willing to really play and try some fun things. Such as the following:

Doesn't she look like a princess there? I think so.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
He's got a super power

That's what the Dad told me. You know, Dad was right. He does have a super power. He can make anyone smile! I dare you, look at this child, spend time with this child, and don't smile. His love for life, for his Mama, Baba, and GeGe just shines through in all he does. He does not slow down for anything, not even to climb up on the bench, or down some steps.

But perhaps, the biggest smile I saw during the entire session? It was walking back to the car (no not because we were done, although I know he was quite happy to be almost done getting his photo taken). His older brother had the handles of his stroller, they were poised at the top of the wooden walkway bridge...that went downhill. Mom, Dad, and I were walking away. Little P.W. had this huge expectant smile on his face. The face of pure enjoyment and thrill. Yes, big brother rand down that bridge-walkway and he squealed and laughed in enjoyment at the really fast ride!

Sunday, August 05, 2007
Sometimes things happen.
What I love about all my clients is how extremely flexible they are. For example, this past weekend I went to meet a family with their 1 year old daughter at the Hampton Cove waterfall. I show up, and it's empty.
What? The waterfall is empty? No water? No falls? NO PICTURES!
The family was very understanding, and we ended up rescheduling for an upcoming week. I'm sorry they had to get their daughter dressed up for nothing, and will have to get her dressed up again (she looked so cute too!). I asked the workers draining it how long it would be empty and was told that hopefully by next weekend it would be going again.
Which meant that I now had to call my other sessions for this week and reschedule those! Well, some opted for other locations. Thanks everyone for being so incredibly flexible!!!
What? The waterfall is empty? No water? No falls? NO PICTURES!
The family was very understanding, and we ended up rescheduling for an upcoming week. I'm sorry they had to get their daughter dressed up for nothing, and will have to get her dressed up again (she looked so cute too!). I asked the workers draining it how long it would be empty and was told that hopefully by next weekend it would be going again.
Which meant that I now had to call my other sessions for this week and reschedule those! Well, some opted for other locations. Thanks everyone for being so incredibly flexible!!!
Look C! I got 'em!

These two boys have been coming to me for years (as they were part of my portfolio building, learning, and best friends of my own two boys). As a result, they have gotten a little too comfortable with me. Our sessions are always short because they know I like silly faces and I get a few smiles and both dissolve into giggles and silly faces.
I know their Mom wonders sometimes if I ever get anything at all. But I do. She trusts me now, and was not worried. But, look at these faces! I got some really cute ones with the big lollipops.
C, I'm almost done with your session (AND I have those baseball posters done!).
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