I can't believe, my first tag. *what a great day this is* Thanks
Kimberly (yes, you can choose to add the sarcasm or not, it's up to you)! Kimberly is one of the best high school Senior photographers I know, and she lives in one of my favorite places - Myrtle Beach! If you are planning at trip to Myrtle Beach, definitely look her up for your family beach portraits. I'm waiting until we have Katie in our family before I plan our trip. :)
Brace yourselves, you are about to learn 8 completely random and useless facts about me. :)
The Rules are that I'm supposed to answer and post 8 random facts and then tag 8 people to do the same on their blog.
1. I got married when I was 20 years old, 4 months shy of 21. I was 3 semesters from graduating from a university that I had a full ride scholarship. I threw away that scholarship to get married, move to Tucson, Arizona, and go into debt. 1.5 years maximum to wait. I don't regret getting married though. :)
2. I once played an orphan in Cumberland County Playhouse's version of Annie. I was 12, and the tallest Orphan. They needed me for the bottom of a pyramid we built on stage, and the ONLY way for me to get to my spot in time was to sing a 1 line solo. I'm not sure anyone who ever attended a performance will ever be the same. I sure hope their ears have stopped aching by now!
3. Yes, I have a degree. No, it's not in photography. I graduated with honors from the University of Arizona (after also going to Tennessee Technological University for 5 semesters). I earned a Bachelor's of Science in Math with a minor computer science. I even worked a "real" job once upon a time.
4. I love to read, but I especially love fluffy historical romance novels. At one point I think I was single handedly keeping The Book Shelf store in business with all my exchanges. Since then I have joined a book exchange group, and my expenditures for purchasing books has gone down. However, shipping book rate packages has cost more than I care to admit. I think I currently have around 100 books sitting beside my bed...waiting for me to read them.
5. I despise driving. It took bribery on my parents part for me to even consent to getting my driver's license at the age of 16 and 4 months. I especially despise driving long distances by myself. So, when I tell you that I drove back from Orlando and drove the entire way myself (the car was full of my family though), I hope you get the full and entire appreciation for my feat. Not to mention we hit Atlanta at rush hour. Are you suitably impressed?
6. I love going to Disney World. Yes, we even went on our Honeymoon and returned for our 10th Anniversary. If you are planning a trip, give me a shout and I'll help in any way I can. The next best thing to actually going is planning a trip to Disney. I've learned it doesn't even have to be my own!
7. I play the piano and the french horn. I'm a little more accomplished on the piano as I started playing in 3rd grade. By 12th grade I was playing competitions with original classics. My favorite composer for the piano is probably Mozart for classical music. I also enjoy playing Dino Kartsonakis pieces for contemporary (his compositions really make me sound great). The french horn I played through high school, and ended up section leader. I'm such a band geek.
8. I fell during a band competition my Senior year. It was our last competition, and I fell during the drum break. The very next song I played a solo, and mud dripped off my mellophone (the marching version of the french horn that actually sounds nothing like it...just easier to carry I guess). I tell people I ended my marching career with a splat.
OOOPS! I forgot to tag people! I will have to think on that and update this soon.
I'm tagging:
JillBethI think I'm at the end of this tagging thing. All my other friends have been tagged already...is it fair to tag them back?! LOL