My blog has been tagged, by Jenny Thrasher (of Jenny Thrasher Photography in Oregon). I'm not that interesting of a person, honestly, but here goes nothing!
The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answer the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
here goes.....
10 years ago I was newly arrived in Huntsville, AL with a 4 month old child and interviewing for my first job after graduating from college with my degree. I ended up getting a job working at Intergraph Corporation. I enjoyed my time there, but would not say I loved it as I missed my baby!
5 things on my to do list today...
~Proof 2 sessions
~Karate & Piano Lessons for Kids (I'm the chauffeur)
~Clean house and gather things for thrift store donation
~Contact clients
~Homeschool Parent meeting
If I were a billionaire the first thing I would do is pretty boring. I'd tithe the 10%, then gift the church with extra. I'd pay off our existing debt, fund $300K into each child's college fund, gift each of my nephews (and future nieces or nephews) with college funds. What is left? Oh wow...ummm...WAY too much. I'd invest for a great retirement, then I'd start giving. I'd give to Love Without Boundaries, A Child's Right, Half the Sky, Autism Speaks, Make a Wish Foundation, and Orphan's Ticket Home. Oh and Shoahannah's Hope. Actually, I would probably create a fund for people who are adopting. OH there is so much I would do. Of course we would go to Disney World, DisneyLand, Tokyo Disney, Disney Hong Kong, Disney in France, and I think that is all the locations for now. :)
My bad habits include drinking Dr. Pepper, reading fluffy romance novels, and chatting online for hours at night.
5 places I've lived...Tucson, East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, Western North Carolina, and HERE!
I'm too lazy to actually TAG 5 other people. So, if you are reading this, consider yourself TAGGED and then let me know you posted the info on your blog. (I guess that is another bad habit of mine.)