Really I am. I'm a pushover when kids get their feelings hurt and have huge crocodile tears streaming out of their eyes. My youngest experienced a first recently, the first time big brother and Daddy got to do something and he was too young to go on that super exciting charter bus. I tried explaining to him that the bus ride really is not all that great, but to his 4 year old eyes, that big bus was almost as good as Disney World.
The tears were streaming down, and I asked if he wanted to talk to Daddy. He sure did. I was trying to tell myself it was because he missed Daddy, but I think he was sad he was not on the bus. My little guy did sound sufficiently pitiful though telling Daddy "bye" on the phone.
Sufficiently enough to get a new game from Target, and new shoes, and if he'd worked it a little harder he probably would have gotten a toy (but I held firm and did NOT go down that aisle). So, tonight, he had the honor of playing the new Cars game FIRST! Plus he got to be player number 1. Both of these are a big deal as the 8 year old seems to always want to be in charge. Imagine that.
What did this do for me? Well, it allowed me to have some good time to work on photos and editing. This past week I took some photos of a Kindergarten class and I am making a poster of them. These wonderful little kids made letters of the alphabet for me. Since 2 of the little girls were absent that day, the teacher and I left a few letters that they could make out and I will be going back after spring break to finish up the letters. I have decided though that I either need to do the photos earlier in the year, or get a tall ladder! These kids are much taller than I expected.
If I can get permission from their parents, I will share the poster with you all. I hope it will turn out as precious as I envision!