Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Break is here!

Can you believe that Spring Break is here?! I can not. I know the little Kindergarteners I had the pleasure of meeting last week are thrilled to be out on Spring Break. Their ABC poster is just adorable, and I can not wait to share it with their parents. I think they are going to be thrilled.

I can tell it's spring, and the weather is warming up as my calendar is starting to fill up again for the weekends with both personal commitments and client sessions. Baseball teams are also starting to call, and it so exciting to see my own children play sports. I have a new lens this year for those action shots everyone loves so much, I think you all will like the results as well.

I am looking for someone to be a guinea pig for me! I am wanting to try a limited edition/mini-session event for Mother's Day or Easter photos. It can be outdoors, it can be indoors at your home, or it can be outdoors at your home! Contact me for details if you are interested. The only restriction is that I am wanting to set up once and have at least 5 families scheduled together. This would be perfect for a group of friends to do!

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