Friday, July 18, 2008


It's ready. It's finally ready. So, head on over and check it out (and yes, I know it's not 100% ready as I have someone special helping me out on a few technical things I have dreamed up).

This also means it's time to update any bookmarks you may have to it. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Moving the blog

I'm in the process of moving the blog, and have a few minor things to "tweak" for it's grand debut! It's not that I'm ignoring this blog, but in a way I am to get the new and improved one ready. Bigger photos, easier to navigate, prettier design, and hopefully easier to keep up with (well, doubt that really, but I can hope!).

Monday, July 07, 2008

I got to go to a Tea Party!

This little girl shared her new tea set with me, and we had a great time until a spider crashed the party. If we both had not been quickly moving out of the way I would have had a great storyboard - "Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider and sat down beside her, scaring Miss Muffet away."

It was a harmless grass spider, but they do look rather large and alarming at first.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Quick proofing break...

to show you some images of Katie that I took during a recent playdate at the Gardens. When I mention to everyone that Katie does NOT like participating in a session, please remember THESE images. Thanks!

Laughing at me because she knew I did not want her in full sun (harsh shadows on the face)

Running from me when I tried to get her to go back to the shade.

Looking at the fish (but hey, it's one I like!)

Instant motion as soon as she turned around...*sigh*

She's either thinking "Take that photo and I'm putting this rock in my mouth" or "Take that photo and I'm throwing this rock at the camera."

OH a CUTE one...too bad she was running away, turned to look, and I wasn't fast enough for perfect focus.

Pretty smile, will work well for a "head shot" portrait for the Grandparents...unfortunately I wanted the full length for the wall.

This one, she didn't run away, she looked at me (though did not smile), and gave me the full length I wanted...knowing she had her sippy cup and I was NOT going to allow it to be in anything but her scrapbook.

Yes, these are the BEST ones I got of her.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Such beautiful children tongue and all!

Seriously, could these kids be any more beautiful?

What is even better is that they are truly more beautiful on the inside. They are the sweetest kids.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

She reminds me of my favorite movie

Well one of my favorites...The Sound of Music. See, this little girl reminds me of Gretl sitting on the stairs singing the song "So Long, Farewell."

She also gives me some of the best silly faces ever!