Sunday, July 06, 2008

Quick proofing break...

to show you some images of Katie that I took during a recent playdate at the Gardens. When I mention to everyone that Katie does NOT like participating in a session, please remember THESE images. Thanks!

Laughing at me because she knew I did not want her in full sun (harsh shadows on the face)

Running from me when I tried to get her to go back to the shade.

Looking at the fish (but hey, it's one I like!)

Instant motion as soon as she turned around...*sigh*

She's either thinking "Take that photo and I'm putting this rock in my mouth" or "Take that photo and I'm throwing this rock at the camera."

OH a CUTE one...too bad she was running away, turned to look, and I wasn't fast enough for perfect focus.

Pretty smile, will work well for a "head shot" portrait for the Grandparents...unfortunately I wanted the full length for the wall.

This one, she didn't run away, she looked at me (though did not smile), and gave me the full length I wanted...knowing she had her sippy cup and I was NOT going to allow it to be in anything but her scrapbook.

Yes, these are the BEST ones I got of her.


Fort Worth Baby Photographer said...

What a photographer's kid! LOL They are super cute nonetheless. Love that first one - shadows and all! You just can't beat that expression!

Leah said...

she's adorable CArla!