Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A photo from my extended family!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I've got so many "sneak peeks" and "pre-views" that I saved for showing on the blog, only to get so busy that I got the full sessions up for viewing before I could get them on the blog. Look for their images on the updated website in January. Yes, I'm going to finally get all those empty spots filled, and all the galleries updated with images from this year.

But, here's one of my extended family (mainly my boys, my nephews, and my brother) that we did for my Mom's Christmas cards. Yes, we're silly like this quite a bit of the time.

The last day for orders that will make it back by Christmas is fast approaching! If you were wanting images for gifts, then please order soon or I may not be able to get them to you. For those procrastinators out there (like myself), that day is December 12th, and that is even cutting it close.

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