Friday, June 08, 2007

Are you as thankful for the rain as I am?

I was sitting at the computer this afternoon, working on getting my son's baseball team's action photos converted to jpegs to put on a disc for everyone, when the weather alarm went off warning us of a severe thunderstorm. I opened the windows and the most glorious sight met my eyes: big, heavy, grey clouds. The wind was blowing the leaves on the trees, and the swings in the backyard were swaying the stiff breeze. I knew, if I went outside I could smell the rain coming. That unique scent of rain coming is one I absolutely adore. So, I opened up the blinds, and while I returned emails and watched the photos batch convert to jpegs, I watched the storm roll in. The rain coming down was a welcome sight, and I could almost see the ground, grass, flowers, and trees sighing in relief for the rain.

Rain. Glorious rain.

Now, lets all hope it does not rain out the ballgames tonight!

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